Cantargia develops antibody-based pharmaceuticals against interleukin-1 receptor accessory protein (IL1RAP). The antibody CAN04 binds IL1RAP with high affinity and functions through both blockade


Cantargia AB gav idag en uppdatering om framstegen i dess utvecklingsprojekt kring antikropparna CAN04 och CAN10 till följd av den pågående COVID-19-pandemin. Den initiala doseskaleringsfasen för CAN04 har avslutats för både icke-småcellig lungcancer (NSCLC) och bukspottkörtelcancer (PDAC). Rekrytering av kvarvarande patienter pågår.

Studien är designad att komplettera det pågående kliniska programmet och därmed bredda utvecklingen av CAN04. Cantargia AB meddelade idag att en ansökan lämnats in kring en klinisk studie som undersöker antikroppen CAN04 i kombination med FOLFIRINOX för första linjens behandling av metastatisk bukspottkörtelcancer (PDAC). Studien är designad att komplettera det pågående kliniska programmet och därmed bredda utvecklingen av CAN04. Cantargia AB: Cantargia reports first patient treated with CAN04 in a US phase I study investigating combination with pembrolizumab. Publicerad: 2020-10-02 (Cision) Cantargia AB: Cantargia rapporterar att första patienten behandlats med CAN04 i en fas I studie i USA som studerar kombination med pembrolizumab 2021-03-19 · More information about Cantargia is available at About CAN04 The antibody CAN04 binds strongly to the target IL1RAP and functions both though ADCC as well as blocking IL-1α and Cantargia AB gav idag en uppdatering om framstegen i dess utvecklingsprojekt kring antikropparna CAN04 och CAN10 till följd av den pågående COVID-19-pandemin.

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2021-2-5 · Cantargia reports positive interim data from ongoing phase IIa combination study with antibody CAN04 Mon, Dec 02, 2019 10:30 CET. Cantargia AB today announced the first interim data with antibody CAN04 in combination with chemotherapy in the ongoing phase IIa CANFOUR study. Cantargia AB today announced the submission of a clinical trial application investigating antibody CAN04 in combination with FOLFIRINOX for first line treatment of metastatic pancreatic cancer 2020-5-14 · Cantargia is a Swedish biotechnology company focused on developing new concepts for immunotherapeutic treatment of cancer and autoimmune / inflammatory diseases. Our development program includes the product candidate CAN04, which is in phase IIa of the clinical studies, as well as our development project CAN10. 2021-3-1 · Cantargia AB (publ), reg. no.

Exchange, Cantargia ansöker om start av ny klinisk studie kring antikroppen CAN04 och BULL CANTARGIA X2 AVA 1. 0.00.

The basis for this is the protein IL1RAP that is involved in a number of diseases and where Cantargia has established a platform. The main project, the antibody CAN04, is being studied clinically as combination therapy with chemotherapy or immune therapy with a primary focus on non-small cell lung cancer and pancreatic cancer.

CAN04, an antibody targeting interleukin 1 receptor accessory protein (IL1RAP), is currently being investigated for treatment of non-small cell lung cancer (NSCLC) and pancreatic cancer (PDAC) in phase IIa clinical development in Europe. 2020-4-7 · Cantargia Submits IND Application for CAN04 PR Newswire STOCKHOLM, April 7, 2020 STOCKHOLM, April 7, 2020 /PRNewswire/ -- Cantargia AB today announced that the application for a US IND regarding Cantargia is now in the process of broadening the development activities and the next step is a phase Ib trial investigating CAN04 in combination with the PD1 binding antibody pembrolizumab 2020-10-2 · Cantargia develops antibody-based pharmaceuticals against interleukin-1 receptor accessory protein (IL1RAP).

Cantargia can04

2019-8-23 · The extended agreement enables Cantargia to create and use additional CHO cell lines engineered using POTELLIGENT® Technology and develop and commercialize CAN04 made through such CHO cell line.

Cantargia can04

Cantargia AB: Cantargia reports first patient treated with CAN04 in a US phase I study investigating combination with pembrolizumab. Publicerad: 2020-10-02 (Cision) Cantargia AB: Cantargia rapporterar att första patienten behandlats med CAN04 i en fas I studie i USA som studerar kombination med pembrolizumab Cantargia AB ("Cantargia") meddelade idag att nya prekliniska resultat, som stödjer kombination av den kliniskt studerade antikroppen CAN04 med platinabaserade cellgifter, kommer presenteras vid två posterpresentationer på 2020 Annual Meeting of the American Association for Cancer Research (AACR), den 22-24 juni. Cantargia AB (“Cantargia”) meddelar idag att den första patienten behandlats vid tre tillfällen med antikroppen CAN04. Därmed har den första patienten formellt genomgått säkerhetsutvärderingen i enlighet med det kliniska protokollet. Ytterligare två patienter har påbörjat behandlingen.

Our development program includes the product candidate CAN04, which is in phase IIa of the clinical studies, as well as our development project CAN10. 2021-3-1 · Cantargia AB (publ), reg.
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Cantargia AB (“Cantargia”) meddelar idag att den första patienten behandlats vid tre tillfällen med antikroppen CAN04. Därmed har den första patienten formellt genomgått säkerhetsutvärderingen i enlighet med det kliniska protokollet. Ytterligare två patienter har påbörjat behandlingen.

april 5 (reuters) - cantargia ab: * cantargia receives an intention to grant notice in europe for its can04 product candidate * patent, when granted, provides protection of can04 in europe until 2035 Cantargia’s lead preclinical-stage anticancer candidate CAN04 is another IL1RAP-targeting anibody designed to activate immune system killer cells and block signals that lead to tumor growth. LUND, Sweden & PRINCETON, N.J.--(BUSINESS WIRE)-- Cantargia AB and BioWa Inc. have signed an extension of the license agreement around the BioWa proprietary POTELLIGENT® Technology for production of Cantargia’s antibody drug candidate CAN04, which gives Cantargia broader rights to use the technology.Since the original agreement allowing use of POTELLIGENT® Technology was signed … 2020-3-10 · "Cantargia has focused the CAN04 development on solid tumors and the clinical data we have generated in patients with NSCLC or PDAC are encouraging. By acquiring this IP, we have secured all relevant IP on IL1RAP as a target for cancer therapy", said Göran Forsberg, CEO of Cantargia. For further information, please contact Göran Forsberg, CEO 2019-8-26 · Cantargia AB (STO:CANTA)), a biotechnology company that develops antibody-based treatments for life-threatening diseases, announced on Friday the signing of an extension of its agreement with BioWa Inc around the BioWa proprietary POTELLIGENT Technology for production of Cantargia's antibody drug candidate CAN04.
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Detailed Description: CAN04 is a first-in-class fully humanized and ADCC enhanced monoclonal antibody, targeting the Interleukin 1 Receptor Accessory Protein (IL1RAP). The CAN04 strategy is to attack the IL1RAP target molecule using an effective antibody-based cancer treatment.

2021-3-19 · Cantargia develops antibody-based pharmaceuticals against interleukin-1 receptor accessory protein (IL1RAP). The lead project CAN04 is in phase IIa clinical development for treatment of cancer Detailed Description: CAN04 is a first-in-class fully humanized and ADCC enhanced monoclonal antibody, targeting the Interleukin 1 Receptor Accessory Protein (IL1RAP). The CAN04 strategy is to attack the IL1RAP target molecule using an effective antibody-based cancer treatment.

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Cantargia AB ("Cantargia") meddelade idag att nya prekliniska resultat, som stödjer kombination av den kliniskt studerade antikroppen CAN04 med platinabaserade cellgifter, kommer presenteras vid två posterpresentationer på 2020 Annual Meeting of the American Association for Cancer Research (AACR), den 22-24 juni.

CAN04 är en antikropp som är riktad mot interleukin 1 receptor accessory protein (IL1RAP).

The basis for this is the protein IL1RAP that is involved in a number of diseases and where Cantargia has established a platform. The main project, the antibody CAN04, is being studied clinically as combination therapy with chemotherapy or immune therapy with a primary focus on non-small cell lung cancer and pancreatic cancer.

Huvudprojektet CAN04 befinner sig i fas IIa klinisk utveckling för cancerbehandling och CAN10 är i preklinisk utveckling mot autoimmunitet och inflammationssjukdomar. Cantargia utvecklar antikroppsbaserade läkemedel mot interleukin-1 receptor accessory protein (IL1RAP). Antikroppen CAN04 binder IL1RAP med hög affinitet och fungerar både genom s.k. Antibody-Dependent Cellular Cytotoxicity (ADCC) och blockering av IL-1-signalering. Cantargia utvecklar antikroppsbaserade läkemedel mot IL1RAP. Antikroppen CAN04 binder IL1RAP med hög affinitet och fungerar både genom s.k.

The antibody CAN04 binds  10 mar 2021 Cantargia AB meddelade idag att en ansökan lämnats in kring en klinisk studie som undersöker antikroppen CAN04 i kombination med  About us. Cantargia develops antibody based therapy against the target IL1RAP.